
Credetra Purse brand


Personal Financial Manager

We've created a web application for you to record and analyse your transactions

Credetra pay@WEB brand


Instant Payment gateway ecosystem

API based QR code transaction presentation and webshop plugin

Credetra pay@POS brand


QR code generator for AFR payments

Progressive web application to generate QR codes, even if you are offline

What's this all about?

Credetra is the gathering place we plan to put our best internet banking, payment-related and technology ideas to work, for you to enjoy.


Working for decades in the banking industry left us with lots of our ideas stuck on the shelves. There are products and services we consider important, but our customers have other priorities. Those wouldn't make into live productions - so we implemented these ideas ourselves.

We are eager to have your feedback, so don't hesitate to write us an email:

If you are interested in the background of who we are and what we did, take a look at the "about us" section!

What's new

cloud_upload paypos

New QR parameters

Amountless QR code support

Raiffeisen bugfix: 5 days (default) or infinite expiry

Upgrade to Angular 13

Smaller size, better offline support

cloud_upload paypos

Version upgrade

Code upgrade to Angular 11

Old (mostly IE) browsers’ support is discontinued

Text corrections

QR code doesn’t contain UTF-8 BOM character

cloud_upload paypos


Now it handles TransferWise accounts too.

cloud_upload website

UX refinement

Font colors are darker for readability

Font-size matching

pay@WEB description refresh

Checkout basket bugfix - works undard Safari as well

“Safari is the new Internet Explorer”

We are trying to be as transparent as possible, keeping you up-to date with what's happening with us.